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The Logging Life

I’m not sure if Jennie will like this postcard, but I thought it was quite unusual. Perhaps it appealed to me due to my long days of logging, far from female company, surrounded by rough and rowdy men in the camp.

I wish Jennie could meet me in Wells. We could at least spend some time together before the river Kennebec calls me to duty. In my mind I can already imagine the cords of wood jammed together in the river, like pieces of a puzzle. I can almost feel in my bones the work ahead, spotting log jams and dislodging the problem logs, causing arms and back to ache to the point of exhaustion.

Jennie has often asked me why I do it. The days are long, the water is icy cold and there’s always the danger of drowning or being crushed by log jams. But the wages are good and that’s what keeps me going, for I want one day to have enough money to marry Jennie and build a life together.

For now, this postcard must suffice.

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