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Are you the person you dreamed you’d be?

By April 7, 2016October 2nd, 2016Musings


Are you the person you dreamed you’d be?

Think back to the days when you were in grade school. I remember a question that was asked regularly of us.

“What do you want to be when you grow up?”

In my day, the most common answers were the common professions of the day.

We had toys that represented those professions, some of which would be seen to be politically incorrect these days. Think pink and blue.

As I reflect on the question “What do you want to be when you grow up?” I see that the question was really focusing on an occupation, not on a state of being.

We didn’t talk about “being” in those days: we talked about “doing”. And that’s kind of funny, because we’re human beings, not human doings.

Think about it for a moment.

How much of your own self-worth, self-identification, self-image and self-description revolve around what you do, rather than who you are?

Is there an ember burning silently in your being that yearns for someone to fan the flame, so you can become the person you see yourself as…but you’re not quite there yet?

If you were to paint a picture of yourself, in words or in drawing, what would it look like?

Is that the life you’re living? Is that the being that you are? Or is that the being you wish to become?

There’s only one person stopping you from becoming the person you picture yourself being. And that’s you.

Today, fan the flames of that ember.

Stop worrying about money or fame or popularity or appearance or any outward measure of “success”.

Realize that true success is living a life where you can say: I love myself. I like who I am. I’m proud of the way in which I conduct myself. I take pleasure in each day – even the crappy days. I’m content. I am enough.

You can do it.

I know you can.

But if you need a little help to fan those flames…you know where to find me 🙂

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